Open Data
Being crucial for planning, decision-making, studies, and research, OPAZ brings a special focus to providing open data. Open data is also necessary for OPAZ to effectively carry out its duties and responsibilities, from planning to outcomes (Service/Product). OPAZ’s planning and decision-making processes are based on proven principles and data-driven insights.
To this end, OPAZ has formed a team to ensure open data is easily accessible and frequently updated on its website. Moreover, OPAZ plans to migrate the data to an online platform associated with its zones to ensure that it can be accessed by all users. This platform will allow users from different categories to access and use the data for purposes such as investment, commercial activities, research, and more.
OPAZ will also organize an annual media event to showcase and use the most recent collected data in its promotional campaigns aimed at attracting investments and mapping platforms so that users can access the geographic data across all its zones.
These efforts demonstrate Oman's focus on data and its role in achieving national objectives of visions, such as Oman Vision 2040, strategic plans, such as the Tenth Five-Year Plan (2021-2025), and executive programs, such as the National Program for Digital Economy (2021-2025)
Content on this website is licensed under Open Government License – Sultanate of Oman
Open Data Index
No. | Datasets | Category | Metadata | Links |
1 | One-Stop Shop Services Offered by Zones Supervised by OPAZ | One-Stop Shop | View Details..
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2 | Manpower & Omanization Rate in Zones Supervised by OPAZ | Manpower | View Details..
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3 | Cumulative Investments in Zones Supervised by OPAZ | Cumulative Investments | View Details..
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4 | Areas of Zones Supervised by OPAZ | Areas of Zones | View Details..
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