Salalah Free   Zone

Salalah Free Zone

“A global centre for industries and logistic services on the Arabian Sea”

Salalah Free Zone was established in 2006 by Royal Decree No. 62/2006 issued on 20 June 2006. The city of Salalah is strategically located in the only part of the Arabian Peninsula touched by the Indian Ocean which enables it to be a major regional and global port in trade and logistics sectors. SFZCO enjoys many key potentials that qualify it to compete on a global level.

Salalah Free Zone

  1. 100% foreign company ownership
  2. No customs duties on imports and exports
  3. No minimum capital investment requirement
  4. No taxes on profits or dividends for 30 years
  5. No tax on personal incomes
  6. No restrictions on repatriation of capital, profits and investments
  7. Flexible customs procedures
  8. One-Stop-Shop services
  9. Excellent utility supply
  10. Best located port in the Middle East with world-class infrastructure
  11. Free trade agreements with US and Singapore

Potential investment opportunities "key sectors"

3 Easy Steps To Start Your Business

The three-step process provides our investors with a clear timeline from initial application to licensing and registration

Start your business Link opens in a new window
  • Request Submission

    Submit the application along with relevant supporting documents

  • Plot Allocation

    Upon allocation of land, a notification shall be sent to the investor

  • Sign Agreement

    Upon confirming your interest, you will be invited to sign a usufruct agreement


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